Friday, August 1, 2008


I had the honor to facilitate the newest Heartland Tech Group #13 last week. Our group is made up of companies from coast to coast and several places in between. I was encouraged by the enthusiasm and excitement generated by these guys. We started things with the 8 Minute update and each company had the opportunity to introduce themselves and talk about their business. The sharing of ideas and best practices was awesome!! Having been in HTG since 2001 I realized that I had been taking for granted the impact that HTG has had on our company. Seeing these guys getting together for the first time and how eager they were to provide input and open up to each other made me realize just how powerful these relationships are. I know how much the relationships I have with HTG1 have changed me both professionally and personally and this experience has reminded me of that. I hope to live up to the very high standards that the current HTG facilitators have set and that I will be able to help this group become as close and effective as the first one.

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